
Television Commercials

  • Category: Video, Advertising
  • Client: Utah State County Government
  • Project: Public Service Message
Project Description

The Utah Association of Counties wanted to create a media and communications campaign for the purpose advancing county issues at all levels, foster the public trust in county government and develop programs and services to ensure the success of counties into the future as the closest level of government to the people.

Creative Solution

We created one, 30 second TV spot, a 2 minute YouTube/Facebook Video, and an explainer video for 3rd and 7th-grade students.

Strategic Objectives

The campaign considered two messaging groups:
1. Why Counties Matter: This messaging describes the essential services county governments provide to create healthy, vibrant and resilient communities and impact our daily lives.
2. Advocacy for County Issues: Messaging from this group advocates or lobbies on behalf of all 29 Utah Counties to influence state and federal elected officials on behalf of county issues.


There was an overwhelming support among the media and government groups. Follow-up research concluded there was a marked difference in the level of understanding citizens had of county government services.
