Research Methodologies

We believe that branding and marketing is more successful when products and services are created based on customer insights. In order to make your brand more innovative and appealing, you need to understand what your customers’ experience when they engage with your brand and get familiar with your customer’s behaviors and needs, and their cultural, physical and social environment.

Some agencies specialize in customer and user experience research providing you with insights and ideas that will make your brand more competitive and innovative, and more in line with what your customers really need and value. Based on this customer insight you can improve your interactions with your user and your communication strategy. Below are some research methodologies and tactics you may want to consider.

Customer Research:

  • ethnographic and human-centered research
  • user experience research
  • workshops, interviews, and focus groups
  • survey research
  • concept testing

Customer Insights:

  • customer journeys and stories
  • customer segmentation
  • personas
  • quantitative and qualitative data visualization


Process Steps for a Successful Research Strategy

1) Develop a Strategic Plan. Assess what we don’t know, what we need to know and how we should collect the information. Create a discussion guide, questionnaires and other documents for field research. Select the best methodologies for acquiring the information; this might include interviews focus groups, group interviews, online surveys, among others.

2) Conduct Research. This might include primary and secondary research, and both qualitative and qualitative. Record the findings.

3) Analysis and Review. Transcribe the recordings and review the text. Code the information into a messaging matrix. Create customer profiles and personas. Deliverables might include slide decks, messaging matrix, and analysis report.